With an ATP monthly membership, you’ll receive online-access to a training plan with video-led exercises including a list of recommended sets, rep, and order. Videos include tips on form and focus based off of years of experience working with athletes. We focus on body weight exercises that can be performed with little to no equipment in your home or any gym.
Programs have been thoughtfully designed by physical therapists who are passionate about keeping our ski community healthy and include exercises to focused on meeting the demands of your sport including mobility, strength, dynamic control. Programs address commonly-missed regions important for muscle balance and movement quality. We’re here to help you get ready for the season and stay at your best throughout the winter.
Each plan consists of our signature 6-week on-ramping program which is designed to be done leading into the season or when you are ramping up to prepare for a trip or increase in your skiing volume. We guide you through three progressive phases : building from foundational work on strength, mobility, and movement quality up through challenging endurance, power, and dynamic control tasks. During the on-ramping series you’ll receive a new set of exercises every two weeks. Perform this 30-45 minute workout three times per week during that phase in order to prepare your muscles, joints and other systems for the fun and challenges to come as you head into the season.
In addition to the on-ramping program, all ATP members will have full-time online access to our “Skihab” resources which can be used in conjunction with the on-ramping program and utilized once you’ve finished or-ramping to maintain strength and improve recovery.